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All of the pictures here on our site have been taken by us or our customers so this is truly the experience we expect for your group as well.

Dolphins! Dolphins! Dolphins!
Join us for what will likely turn out to be the highlight of your vacation. Because the dolphins’ favorite feeding spots are located very close to where we depart we generally find dolphins very quickly into your tour. All of the pictures here on our site have been taken by us or our customers so this is truly the experience we expect for your group as well.
The dolphins are of course wild animals so we can’t promise they will pose for your camera, but they often do seem to enjoy the attention and often like to flash a smile. Again, all of the pictures on our site have been taken on our tours. We like to think of many of the dolphins as our friends so we’ve named many of the ones we see over and over again.
In the summer months Hilton Head has hundreds of dolphins feeding, playing, and relaxing in our waters. Blackbeard, Nick, Choppy, Big Bob, Hook, Baby Stripes, Ding, Lefty, Grandma and Grandpa, and Zorro are just a few of the ones we’ve named over the years. You are welcome to name one also! It’s an experience you will tell your friends back home about and an experience you will look forward to the next time you visit Hilton Head!
And don’t forget to ask about our summer FAMILY SHARK FISHING TOURS! We catch lots of “kids sized sharks” that can be held for pictures and released back to the water. Kids will tell their friends all about it for sure! In today’s world, texts and shark pictures will be traveling to friends back home even before you’re back on dry land!